Tuesday, September 4, 2007

To start with

Like many other trips, this one began in the airport where I was waiting for the boarding. The flight was to depart from Domodedovo which is, perhaps, the largest and the most modern airport in Moscow area (and, probably, in Russua itself).

So I was sitting in the coffee-shop, sipping cappuccino and watching airplanes taking off and landing. Then, finally, I was invited to the gate and taken to our plane parked on a runway.

I like travelling in general and am fond of flying so any time I get a chance I try to take a seat by window so I could miss nothing. This time a good luck was on my side so I took plenty of pictures looking downward.

There was a little bit of clouds and a lot of sunlight. We also passed over numerous rivers, lake and, probably, seas but I have no idea what they were.

The crew didn't share with passengers any information regarding out route but considering the neatness of those patch-like plots this photo was definitely taken beyond Russian borders.
What I like the best is the shadows of clouds on the ground. Aren't they amazing?

And mountains, they look like toys when you watch them from the height where no bird can rise.

The quality is worse than I expected but I like that curling road running through the hills. I'd like to drive there sometime, even though I don't know where to find this place.

More photos coming soon...


Gerald (SK14) said...

lovely photos - I know what you mean about that road - so tempting.

CaBaCuRl said...

Seeing country from the air always gives such a different perspective I think. Your mountain photos are fascinating.

Ann (MobayDP) said...

Thanks so much for taking us along this virtual journey to Cyprus. I'm enjoying the trip so far and am looking forward to seeing more :)

Anonymous said...

You have many nice photographs here. I was especially interested in the group of people waiting to board the plane because there I can see other people in Russia and how they dress and what they look like. Very nice photography.

Brookville Daily Photo